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Top 20 Essentials for your Car Emergency Kit

‌An emergency while on the road is something we never want to think about. Whether we're just driving down the road, have a lengthy commute to work, or are taking a long trip, an emergency can happen anywhere and at any time. That's why it's best to be prepared.

Most Common Car Issues

‌Routine maintenance is a perfect option to ensure the longevity of your car, SUV, or truck, however, different vehicles have problems common to them; to heighten your awareness about them, and we have grafted them into a list below.

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How to Change Your Oil

Learning how to change your oil at home is an easy DIY task that will save you a trip to your local dealership or mechanic, as well as some dollars. And trust us, you’ll feel empowered and will get that extra pep in your step, after realizing you know how to operate and take care of your vehicle better.

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